St John’s College, Woodlawn: VET in Schools Program

VET courses at St John’s lead to nationally recognised Australian Quality Training Framework (AQF) qualifications, either certificates or statements of attainment.

Courses also include 70 hours of work placement. These VET courses can provide a head start toward a career and pathways to further study.

VET courses at St John’s are delivered to students through the Lismore Diocese Registered Training Organisation (RTO) by qualified teaching staff. All VET courses are either developed or endorsed by the NSW Board of Studies, for inclusion in a student's Record of School Achievement or Higher School Certificate.

Board Developed VET courses (Industry Curriculum Frameworks), contribute to the Higher School Certificate and allow students to sit for an optional examination which can contribute to the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR).

Board Endorsed (non-framework) courses contribute to the Record of School Achievement or Higher School Certificate, but not to the ATAR.

Woodlawn Trade Training Centre:- Furniture and Hospitality Industry

Woodlawn Trade Training Centre plays an important role in creating a link between our college, students, industry and local businesses. Students have access to state of the art trade training infrastructure and the opportunity to commence training for a trade career while completing their Higher School Certificate. Our Trade Training facilities complement our other VET training facilities. They help students develop employability skills and an understanding of the world of work, and provide them with valuable experiences to assist with planning and pursuing their career pathways. The courses provide an opportunity to be assessed against industry-determined standards. The assessment does not compare students against other students – it compares each individual against the “competence” requirements set down by the industry.

VET Courses at St John’s College Woodlawn - Board Developed Courses

Business Services: Certificate II in Business BSB20115

This entry-level qualification provides students with the skills and knowledge to undertake the role of individuals in a variety of junior administrative positions performing a range of mainly routine tasks using practical skills and operational knowledge in a defined context. Individuals in these roles generally work under direct supervision.

Students will develop skills in the areas of communication, teamwork, problem solving, innovation, enterprise, planning and organising (prioritising).

Construction: Certificate II in Construction Pathways CPC20211

The course provides opportunities for students to develop relevant technical, vocational and interpersonal competencies suitable for employment and further training in the construction industry. It also provides for the development of employability skills such as communication and teamwork, which are transferable to other industry areas. This course is for people who want to work in the primary trades in the construction industry, with the exception of plumbing.

Students gain a NSW WorkCover construction induction certificate (White card) plus a nationally recognised qualification.

Entertainment: Certificate III in Live Production and Services CUA30415

This course offers training opportunities for students who are interested in everything to do with supporting performances and events: lighting and sound, staging and set design and dealing with patrons and professionals. This qualification is designed to reflect the role of individuals who work in technical production areas and perform a range of skilled tasks using discretion and judgement, and who have the ability to select, adapt and transfer skills to different situations. Certificate III is generally accepted as the industry entry-level qualification.

This qualification is very flexible and designed to meet a broad range of industry needs. It reflects the need for multi-skilling but additionally offers specialised streams for specific job outcomes, (i.e. for audio, lighting, staging and vision).

Hospitality: Certificate II in Hospitality Kitchen Operations SIT20416

This course provides opportunities to learn a range of fundamental hospitality skills from practical application of cookery principles and implementation of food safety procedures (including how to store food properly) to the presentation of food. Students gain culinary knowledge in the preparation, cooking and service of foods (including vegetarian dishes) and how to work as an effective member of a team in a range of hospitality establishments.

This course can provide students with employment opportunities as a Kitchen Hand, Breakfast Cook, Short-order Cook, and Fast-food Cook in a commercial kitchen environment of a Hotel, Restaurant, Cafe, Club, Airline, Hospital, Cafeteria and Event catering organisation.

Metal & Engineering: Certificate I in Metal and Engineering MEM10105

Students learn about designing, production and repairing machinery, tools and parts as well as working in teams and dealing with clients and staff. Studying this course will give students the opportunity to gain the basic skills and knowledge necessary to increase their chances of employment in the Engineering trades.

They will also acquire skills and knowledge in workplace communication, workplace health and safety, quality procedures systems, plus some industry-specific skills such as: Carrying out mechanical cutting; Performing routine oxy acetylene welding; Performing routine manual metal arc welding; Performing routine gas metal arc welding; Use comparison and basic measuring devices; Use hand tools; Use power tools/hand held operations; and Plan a routine task.

Certificate II in Engineering graduates will be prepared to enter into an apprenticeship in the fitting and machining trade or the metal fabrication and welding trade.

Primary Industries: Certificate II in Agriculture AHC20116

This course provides students with an opportunity to create a career in primary industries, specifically in the agricultural field. It provides them with a foundation for further study and specialisation in various agricultural streams.

Students learn the technical agricultural skills and knowledge they need as a skilled tradesperson in the agricultural primary industries. Their studies focus on working with plants, animals, machinery and equipment, occupational health and safety, people, administration and business.

The study of Primary Industries can lead to career opportunities in a range of occupations including, farm management, production horticulture and rural merchandising.

NOTE: Only one of these courses can be included in the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) calculation, but all contribute to the HSC.

Board Endorsed Courses

Fitness: Statement of Attainment towards Certificate III in Fitness SIS30315

This qualification is a nationally recognised entry-level qualification for employment in the fitness industry. It reflects the role of instructors who perform a range of activities and functions within the fitness industry. Due to the elective specialisation chosen, this qualification provides a pathway to work as an instructor providing exercise instruction for gym programs.

Students will undertake 30 hours of work placement to work independently with some level of autonomy in a controlled environment such as fitness, leisure, aquatic and community centres where risks are managed through pre-existing risk assessment and hazard control processes.

Individuals who specialise in Gym Instruction provide individually tailored client assessments, provide technique correction as needed, and develop and demonstrate programs. They also provide supervision of a facility or service, keep equipment clean, tidy and well maintained, and handle various customer enquiries.

Furniture Making: Certificate II in Furniture Making Pathways MSF20516

Students will have the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills to enable them to commence a career and be effective employees in furniture making. The course is for students wanting to acquire skills that will help them apply for an apprenticeship in the kitchen and furniture making industry. This course is ideal for those who like working with timber and would enjoy creating something from a drawing. Learn about furnishing trends and gain skills to create internal fitments, kitchen cupboards, wall units and general furnishing products.

During the course, students develop and apply skills and knowledge through the completion of practical projects, and other assignments.

Work Placement

As a condition of enrolment in a Vocational Education and Training course, all students must participate in the Workplace Learning placements. For Board Developed courses this involves completing 70 hours of structured work for block employment allotted within the school terms. For Board Endorsed courses students will complete 30 hours. Please note the compulsory hours may include part of the school holidays. Non-completion of Workplace Learning will not meet the Board of Studies mandatory requirements and may result in the unit of study not being recognised for the student's HSC study.

Objectives of the Workplace Learning Program

  • To enhance social and vocational skills and training.
  • To lay the foundation for School-Based Apprenticeship or Traineeship opportunities.
  • To ease the transition from College to work.
  • To assist students in making and evaluating future career choices.
  • To meet the Board of Studies mandatory requirements of vocational courses.


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