As a Faith community, we are called to proclaim the Good News of the Gospel. At St John's College, we express our faith through action and practice. Our students are invited to find their place in our community, where each student is valued, respected and supported as we journey together to live this mission we have been entrusted with.
As a Marist community, we are called to go quietly and to display the Marian virtues of humility, simplicity and modesty. A spirit of generosity, perseverance and authenticity are evidenced in our Marian desire to 'make Jesus known and loved'.
A time to come together to 'hear the voice of the Lord and feel welcomed'. Pope Frances.
Our College has a rich tradition of shared faith opportunities. The Eucharist is the 'source and summit' of our Catholic life and we are blessed to celebrate whole school and small Masses at various times throughout the year. Our Opening College Mass is a seminal feature of our commitment to expressing our faith, as we come together as a College community at the beginning of each school year. The celebration of Mass is woven into the fabric of the school year and is the focal point of many College experiences.
'Liturgy is the main road through which Christian life passes through every phase of our growth'. Liturgies and prayer services are at the centre of celebrations in all sectors of College life. These include:
Micah 6:8 "What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to have Kindness and to walk humbly with your God." The words of Micah echo through the actions of various groups at the College.
As a College, we endeavour to make Mary present in the world today by emulating her dedication to service. Our awareness and fundraising commitments are organised around the premise of local, national and international projects. Caritas, Catholic Mission, St Vincent de Paul and Marist solidarity projects are at the heart of mission work. By raising our consciousness to work in solidarity for others we believe that we have the potential to shape and transform students.
All students at the College participate in a range of ministry options. These are tailored to meet the specific spiritual, emotional and collective needs of our students. Faith formation is grounded in the belief that we need to be present for each other, to embrace diversity and to be authentic witnesses to our faith. Forming strong minds, gentle hearts and a true sense of faith is at the heart of these programs.