Pastoral Care/Student Wellbeing

Catholic Education at St John’s College, Woodlawn exists to enable all students to experience the fullness of life. Student pastoral care and wellbeing is the heart of our mission in Catholic education. Pastoral care encapsulates the nature of how we relate with one another in all aspects of St John’s, through everything we do.

  • The Catholic Worldview is the context for pastoral care at St John’s.
  • Pastoral care is enacted, and wellbeing enhanced, through relationships.
  • Pastoral care involves a whole school approach, and is dependent on policies and procedures that help facilitate this across all key domains of practice.
  • The Christian dignity and wellbeing of the student is at the centre of all policies, procedures, decisions and activities at the college.

Key Staff

Principal Mrs Annette Reen 
Assistant Principal - Learning & Teaching Mr Matthew Bailey
Assistant Principal - Misson Mrs Fiona Fennamore
Leader of Pastoral Care Mr Nick Jones
Year 7 Leader of Student Wellbeing Ms Erin Parrey
Year 7 Assistant Leader of Student Wellbeing  Mrs Michelle Wright
Year 8 Leader of Student Wellbeing Mr Luke Collings
Year 9 Leader of Student Wellbeing Ms Justine Kennedy
Year 10 Leader of Student Wellbeing Mr Luke Flynn
Year 11 Leader of Student Wellbeing Ms Annabelle Green 
Year 12 Leader of Student Wellbeing Mr Joel Saye
Counsellor Mrs Susan Doughty
Counsellor Mrs Christina Hazell
Counsellor Mrs Jacqui Rojo


Good pastoral care is central to student wellbeing and is integral to the emotional, social and academic development of all students. Each year group has targeted areas for education of matters relating to wellbeing. These include seminars and workshops, retreats and camps which provide students with relevant information, experiences and opportunities for discussion and learning for students to build a set of skills to identify, manage, reflect and respond to the many adolescent issues that may arise and to know how to seek help when it is needed.

Services at St John's College

The College School Counsellor provides professional expertise for assisting students resolve issues and is available to work with students individually and in small groups.


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"Never pride yourself on being better than you really are, but think of yourself dispassionately, recognising that God has given to each one his measure of faith. Just as each of us has various parts in one body, and the parts do not all have the same function: in the same way, all of us, though there are so many of us, make up one body in Christ, and as different parts we are all joined to one another". Rom 12:3-5    


The Student Welfare System of St John’s College, Woodlawn is focused on nurturing the growth of students in their academic, spiritual, social and physical development. This is facilitated through a number of different avenues.

Home Group

Each student belongs to a Home Group which is vertically arranged within House structures. The students in the Home Group are supervised and cared for by a Home Group Teacher who remains with them throughout their time at the College (all things being equal).

The main objectives of the Home Group sessions are to help meet both the pastoral and administrative needs of our students by providing a time for regular daily contact between staff and students and also involves students helping other students in a caring environment. Home Group teachers can work with students each semester to set study goals and review academic progress. 

Leaders of Student Wellbeing

Leaders of Student Wellbeing have responsibility for the welfare and overall academic progress of the students in their year group. In particular, the Leader of Student Wellbeing has responsibility for the pastoral care and management of students in his/her year group outside class time (i.e. before and after school, recess, lunchtime) and also for students who misbehave or have difficulties across a number of subject areas.

Leaders of Student Wellbeing liaise with classroom teachers, learning support teachers, leaders of Curriculum, parents and other services to provide group and individualised support for students in their care.

College Counsellors – Student Wellbeing

The College is invested in students’ health and wellbeing and employs registered psychologists in the role of College Counsellors to provide confidential student support. The responsibilities are distinct from the disciplinary processes in the school. The College Counsellors work with students one-on-one in a support role and in a small group format with the Year 7 students throughout their transition year at Woodlawn.

The College Counsellors, through their experience and expertise, provide a sensitive, warm and sympathetic ear for our students. They can assist in a wide range of situations - family difficulties, study problems, goal setting, etc.

The College Counsellors also have access to a wide range of resources and contacts in the welfare area through the welfare network. On some occasions, a referral to external services may be made.

Students can arrange to make their own appointment to see a College Counsellor by placing a note under their door. Staff and parents may also recommend that a student seek support having discussed this with the student and found them willing. Constructive psychological support will only be possible if the student is willing to engage and be involved in the work.

National School Chaplaincy & Student Welfare Program (NSCSW)

St John’s College, Woodlawn provides a number of support programs to our students and their families. 

The role of the Chaplain (NSCSW) is to work with students, parents, staff and teachers to provide a platform of support to assist students to fully engage in the wider school community.

Participation in any program is voluntary and students can opt in or out at any time.

An annual review is conducted as part of the school community consultation. This is addressed at a Parent and Friends monthly meeting in Term 4, however, parents are welcome to provide comments and/or suggestions at any time via the standard College contact methods. 

As always, if parents have a concern with the program they should contact the Principal immediately.

Further information can be obtained from the National School Chaplaincy & Student Welfare Program website.

Please read through the Disclaimer and Acknowledgement statements. 


The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations.


This project was funded by the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations under the National School Chaplaincy and Student Welfare Program.

Any evaluation surveys conducted must ask participants if they are aware of the source of funding for the activity and, if so, how they became aware of the funding source.

The Funding Recipient must provide to the Australian Government or its agent, if requested, any National School Chaplaincy and Student Welfare Program materials for placement on the Department’s website, or for use in any other Australian Government or Departmental publication.


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Student Leadership

The following groups exist to provide opportunities for students to undertake leadership roles in the College.

The Student Representative Council Years 7 – 12


The role of the SRC is to provide a voice for students of the College on matters pertaining to student life. These members of the SRC also represent the College at official functions, act as hosts at major College occasions, communicate with the student body via whole school assemblies and year meetings and organise social events.


The SRC is comprised of:

  • Two students (1 male and 1 female) from Years 7 to 10
  • Twelve students from Year 11
  • Twelve students from Year 12.

Elections for SRC members, College Captains and Vice Captains are held in Term 3 each year. The induction ceremony for Year 11 takes place at the end of Term 3, and at the beginning of the year for other year groups.


The College Leadership Team approves the appointment of members to the SRC. SRC meetings are held once a fortnight during term and are supervised by a staff member. The SRC Leadership Training camp is held in Term 4 each year.

House Captains and Vice Captains Year 12


The role of House Captains and Vice Captains is to provide leadership for the students in each of the four Houses, particularly in promoting participation and House spirit in relation to our major College sporting events.


Elections for House Captains and Vice Captains are conducted in Term 3 each year. College Captains and Vice Captains are ineligible to stand for the position of House Captain or Vice Captain, but other SRC members are able to stand for these positions.  


The House Captains and Vice Captains are monitored by the two staff House Patrons appointed to each House.

Restorative Justice Years 10 – 11


By participating in Restorative Justice training, students are equipped with the skills of being able to mediate and help to resolve conflicts between younger students.


Students in Year 10 are trained in Restorative Practices, and students in Year 11 undertake a refresher course. After this training, senior students are encouraged in Home Group to identify ways of promoting harmony among the students. Welfare Coordinators are also able to involve suitable older students in the resolution of minor conflicts between younger students.


The Restorative Justice program is monitored by the Assistant Principal / Welfare Coordinator in conjunction with the relevant year Welfare Coordinators.

Year 12 Leadership Training (Marist Youth Leader, YLead)


These leadership training programs promote the development of leadership skills among our Year 12 students.


All Year 11 students participate in the YLead program held at the College at the end of the year. Some students choose to take the opportunity to participate in additional leadership training through the three day Ylead course held in Brisbane in January each year. As well, the Marist Youth Leader Program is offered to students elected to Leadership positions.


These programs are organised at the College by the Assistant Principal and are supported by the relevant Welfare Coordinator.

Social Justice Committee – Year 10


The Social Justice Committee oversees the fundraising for, and awareness-raising of, current social justice issues. This includes support of Caritas during Lent and Yodifee House.


Students apply for membership of this committee and meet regularly to plan and organise suitable activities of a social justice nature.


This program is monitored by a staff member who processes the applications from students wishing to join the Committee, supervises committee meetings and oversees the fundraising events.


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Student Representative Council 2025

College Captains  College Vice Captains

Noah Gilliland
Noah Vakararawa
Matilda Price
Madeleine Butler
Year 12 SRC Year 11 SRC
Madeleine Butler
Ella Cohen
Benjamin Davis
Elliott Farrell
Eric Graydon
Noah Gilliland
Mia Gulliver-Ward
Taia Kempshall
Tobhiyah Louis
Matilda Price
Annabelle Taylor
Noah Vakararawa
Edie Wadsworth
Year 10 SRC Year 9 SRC Year 8 SRC Year 7 SRC

Student Services

The Student Services Office (SSO) provides a daily service to our students and their parents and is open from 8.30 a.m. until 3.30 p.m. The Student Services Office can assist you with all enquires relating to student absence, late arrivals or early departures, bus transport, lost property and permission notes.

Sick bay is also located in SSO and students who are unwell during the school day are cared for in a separate room within the SSO.

To contact one of the Student Service Secretaries:
Phone: 02 6626 2629 

Please follow the links below for detailed information on matters such as Student Absence, Elite Sports Absence and Student Attendance.

Advance Known Absence Form (greater than 10 days)

Advance Known Absence Form (Elite Sport or Art)

Student Attendance Policy

Levels of Discipline

Rationale for the Behaviour Management Levels System

The Levels System of Behaviour Management aims to promote a fair and consistent approach to the management of student behaviour. At the commencement of a student's enrolment at the College, students have rights and responsibilities according to the Students Charter. A student who is in breach of any of the rights and responsibilities of the Student Charter may be placed on a Behaviour Management level. The student will be spoken to about the misdemeanour and the level recorded and parents/guardians informed. If the student's behaviour is more serious or there are a series of offences, or uncooperative or anti-social behaviour continues, parents/guardians will be contacted and an interview may be required.

Some features of this System are:

  1. A student in breach of any right or responsibility faces the consequences of being placed on a Level 1 or 2. If the student chooses not to modify unacceptable behaviour, or repeats this behaviour they may remain on the level. The parent/caregivers will be notified of any situation where the student is failing to take responsibility for their behaviour. The system is designed to build respectful relationships and to ensure that the student continues to be a valued member of the College community. A restorative meeting may be arranged to rebuild relationships between student and/or teachers.
  2. The Welfare Team's prime function is the pastoral care and wellbeing of students. Our discipline procedures allow for student welfare and behaviour to be monitored using fair and just processes.
  3. The Welfare Team is comprised of the Assistant Principal - Mission, Leader of Student Welfare, the Year Coordinators, the College Counsellors and the Student Support Officer. Other staff, including the Indigenous Education Worker and Home Group teachers may also assist when necessary. 
  4. Students who are placed on levels have their progress monitored by the Welfare Team in consultation with members of the Curriculum Team.