
College Uniform

All items of the St John’s College uniform are available from the College Uniform Shop, which is located downstairs in the Colin Centre (Sports Complex) at the College. Parents can purchase the Woodlawn uniform directly from the Uniform Shop which is open during the school term at the following times:

  • Mondays - 8.00 am to 9.30 am
  • Wednesdays - 11.00 am to 2.00 pm

Uniforms can be viewed and ordered via the following link. Uniforms ordered online will be prepackaged and available for collection from the shop or Student Services Office. 

Second Hand Uniform Shop Opening Hours:
Time: 11.00am - 2.00pm
 Every Wednesday
Where: Colin Centre  

Please click on the links above to place an order or to make a booking. We encourage parents/guardians to make appointments for fittings due to time constraints.

Leanne Copeland
Uniform Shop Convenor
0407 739 237 

Rights and Responsibilities

Right: All students have the right to share in the good name and proud tradition associated with St John’s College Woodlawn and its uniform.

Responsibility: Students have the responsibility to wear the correct and full school uniform required for that day to and from school. In addition they are reminded that they should wear the uniform with pride, be well groomed, and promote a good public image at all times.

Students are not permitted to wear a mixture of uniforms. If a student cannot wear any part of the uniform on a certain day he/she must bring a note signed and dated by his/her parents. The note should be countersigned by the relevant Home Group Teacher or Year Coordinator and be carried by the student for the rest of the day(s).

If a student is unable to wear any part of the correct sports uniform on a particular day he/she is required to wear the correct full school uniform and to change into appropriate alternative sports gear before sport. Students who are representing the College or who are travelling to a sports venue off College grounds must wear the correct College sports uniform.

Summer Uniform - Terms 1 and 4

Boys’ Uniform

  • Shirt: White shirt with crest on pocket & green piping on sleeves.
  • Shorts: Grey polyester dress shorts worn on the waist. Drill shorts are not permitted. A plain black or grey belt may be worn.
  • Socks: Short grey College socks. 
  • Shoes: Conventional black leather lace-up or buckle-up school shoes (polished).  
  • Jumper: Green College jumper or Green College vest (optional for colder days).
  • Hat: College green wide brimmed hat – to be worn in accordance with SunSmart Policy.

Girls’ Uniform

  • Blouse: White blouse with crest on pocket & green piping on sleeves. 
  • Skirt: Green College tartan - double pleats front and back (knee length).
  • Shorts: Grey shorts.
  • Socks: Plain white, ‘Bonds’ style, ankle length, fold over top (Sockettes not permitted), to be worn with the skirt. Short grey College socks to be worn with the shorts.
  • Shoes: Conventional black leather lace-up or buckle-up school shoes (polished).
  • Jumper: Green College jumper or green College vest (optional for colder days).
  • Hat: College green wide brimmed hat – to be worn in accordance with SunSmart Policy.

Winter Uniform - Terms 2 and 3 (Formal College Uniform)

Boys’ Uniform

  • Shirt: Plain white long or short sleeved shirt (with College crest on pocket).
  • Tie: College tie (Years 7-11); Senior College tie (Year 12).
  • Jumper: Green College jumper or green College Vest.
  • Blazer: Bottle green College blazer. Students must wear College blazer to and from school at times specified.
  • Trousers: Long mid-grey trousers, worn on the waist (drill trousers are not permitted). A plain black or grey belt may be worn.
  • Socks: Grey College socks.
  • Shoes: Conventional black leather lace-up or buckle-up school shoes (polished).  
  • Hat: College green wide brimmed hat – to be worn in accordance with SunSmart Policy.
  • Scarf: College woollen scarf (optional).

Girls’ Uniform

  • Shirt: Plain white long or short sleeved shirt (with College crest on pocket).
  • Tie: College tie (Years 7-11); Senior College tie (Year 12).
  • Jumper: Green College jumper or green College Vest.
  • Blazer: Bottle green College blazer. Students must wear College blazer to and from school at specified times.
  • Skirt: College mid-grey skirt double pleats front and back (knee length).
  • Tights or Socks: Grey opaque tights. (Short plain white ankle length ‘Bonds’ style socks may be worn in warmer weather but not as part of the Formal College Uniform).
  • Trousers: Long mid-grey trousers, worn on the waist (drill trousers are not permitted). A plain black or grey belt may be worn.
  • Socks: Short grey College socks to be worn with the trousers. 
  • Shoes: Conventional black leather lace-up or buckle-up school shoes (polished). Black sports shoes are not permitted.
  • Hat: College green wide brimmed hat – to be worn in accordance with SunSmart Policy.
  • Scarf: College woollen scarf (optional).

Sports Uniform - To be worn on Wednesdays and for Integrated Sport

Boys’ and Girls’ Uniform

  • Shirt: College sports shirt.
  • Shorts: Black College sports shorts with embroidered ‘Eagle’ badge.
    (Other styles of black shorts with labels, logos, prints etc., are not permitted).
  • Socks: College sports socks (only style permitted).
  • Shoes: Clean sports shoes. No skate or canvas shoes permitted. 
  • Tracksuit: College tracksuit (to be worn with sports uniform, including Wednesdays).
  • Hat: College green wide brimmed hat.
  • Hoodie: College red hoodie (to be worn ONLY on Wednesdays)

P.E. Uniform

Boys’ and Girls’ Uniform

On days when rostered for PDHPE class, each student must bring the correct sports clothes and equipment for that class. Students will be informed in advance by PDHPE staff what clothes and equipment they require for the next lesson.

The following items are required for P.E.:

  • Shorts: Black College sports shorts with embroidered ‘Eagle’ badge.
    (Other styles of black shorts with labels, logos, prints etc. are not permitted).
  • Socks: College sports socks(only style permitted).
  • Shoes: Clean sports shoes (white or black permitted). Loafers, skate and canvas shoes are not permitted. Sports shoes must be designed for court or field use.
  • Shirt: College sports shirt or House sports shirt.
  • Hat: College green wide brimmed hat.
  • Swimmers: Boys – Swimming shorts. Rash shirts may also be worn for additional sun protection.  Girls – One-piece swimming costumes. Rash shirts may also be worn for additional sun protection.  

Students should check their timetables and note in their Student Planner the days they are required to take specific gear for PDHPE.

House Sports Uniform

A House Sports Uniform is required to be worn for special inter-House sporting competitions. The most notable of these are the annual Swimming and Athletics Carnivals and Cross Country Competition. All items are available from the College Uniform Shop.

For Swimming & Athletics Carnivals and Special House Sporting Events:

  • House Sports Shirt (polo style) in House colour and House name embroidered.
    • Bell: Gold    Carroll: Green    Kennedy: Blue    Segrief: Red
  • Black College sports shorts with embroidered ‘Eagle’ badge.
    (Other styles of black shorts with labels, logos, prints etc. are not permitted).
  • Hat: College green wide brimmed hat – to be worn in accordance with SunSmart Policy.
  • Socks: College Sport Socks

For Swimming Carnival:

Boys’: Swimming shorts. Rash shirts may also be worn for additional sun protection.

Girls’: One piece swimming costumes. Rash shirts may also be worn for additional sun protection. 

Hat: College green wide brimmed hat - to be worn in accordance with SunSmart Policy.

Rash Shirt: Students are recommended to wear a rash shirt while in the pool area.

Uniform requirements for TAS classes

Parents/guardians and students need to be aware that it is a Deptartment of Education & Workcover directive that NO student may enter a Technology classroom unless they are wearing the correct protective footwear.

This means that at St John’s College, students are required to wear their normal black leather, lace up shoes for all Technology classes including those scheduled on days that students have PDHPE or sport. It is also a requirement in all TAS classes that hair that is shoulder length or longer be tied back in accordance with College expectations and safety guidelines. Additionally, all students in Food Technology classes are required to wear a protective apron.

Uniform for Excursions

Depending on the nature of the Excursion, students will be informed by staff to wear one of the following uniforms:
Formal Occasions: Formal College Uniform
Curriculum Excursions: College Summer or Winter Uniform of the day or College Sports Uniform (including a College hat) – e.g. Reflection Days or Geography / History days.
Camps or Bush Excursions: Appropriate Casual Clothes, including a wide brimmed hat.