Applications for Enrolment at Woodlawn are encouraged at any time of the year with the understanding that the child will automatically be placed on a waiting list until a position arises.

Our Prospectus: An electronic version of the information provided in our Prospectus is listed below.

  1. Enrolment Timeline
  2. School Fees
  3. Enrolment Curriculum
  4. Woodlawn Brochure
  5. Diocese of Lismore Catholic Schools Enrolment Policy and Fees

How to enrol online:

Step 1. Prepare your enrolment documents 

Step 2. Create an account and/or log in

EXISTING FAMILIES: Select this option if you currently have or previously have had a Compass login. This includes a Compass login at a primary school or secondary school other than St John's College, Woodlawn. 

NEW FAMILIES: Select this option if you are a new family to the Diocese of Lismore and have not previously been issued with a Compass login. 

Step 3. Create or update your child's profile and your profile

Step 4. Create an application for your school

Step 5. Forward the Confidential Student Information form to your child's current school for completion. Please note: This step is only for students not currently at a Diocese of Lismore school. 

If you are experiencing any technical difficulties completing your child's application, please contact our Helpdesk via the link below. 

Students applying for Year 7 have the opportunity to apply for the Bob Gibson/Marist Fathers' Scholarship. The intention of the scholarship is to provide an opportunity to a student who would otherwise not be able to access schooling at St John's College. Further information can be found in the Scholarship Brochure. If you wish to apply, please complete the Bob Gibson Scholarship Application Form.

All enrolments can be submitted to the College at

    If you are seeking a position for the current school year, you may submit an Enrolment Form at your earliest convenience.

    You may obtain a hard copy of the Prospectus by contacting the College office at 6626 2600 or emailing

    If you have any further questions relating to an enrolment at St John's College, please click on the link below. 

    Open Night

    St John's College Open Night will be held on Wednesday, 2 April 2025. We invite prospective students and their families to come along and tour the College facilities and meet our staff. 

    Bookings are essential and can be made from Friday 14 February via this Open Night Booking link.

    Year 7 / 2026 Interviews

    Interviews will be held for students applying for Year 7, 2026 on Monday, 12 and Tuesday, 13 May.  

    Closing Date

    Applications for Years 7-11, 2025 and 2026 are invited. The closing date for Year 7/26 applications is Wednesday, 30 April 2025. However, if you have missed the date and wish to apply, please contact the Registrar on 6626 2606. Applications for Year 11 may be submitted and the applicant interviewed later in the year; however, late applicants will miss the opportunity to be involved in the subject selection process.

    Applications for all year groups may be submitted at any time throughout the year and will be processed upon receipt of the documentation. All interested applicants are encouraged to place an application on file and you will be contacted when a place becomes available. Should no places be available upon application, the applicant will be placed on a waiting list.


    Students entering Years 7 and 11 will be interviewed by the Principal or another senior staff member. Year 7 applicants may bring a sample of work with them to the interview. Applicants for Years 8 to 11 will be afforded an interview throughout the year as vacancies occur in those years. Students will be interviewed by the Principal, a member of the Leadership Team or a Leader of Learning.


    The first round of acceptances will be emailed on or before Friday, 30 May 2025. Parents/Guardians of students who are accepted by the College will be asked to confirm their acceptance by completing an offer of enrolment and paying an Acceptance Fee of $400.00, which is deducted from the tuition account. The Acceptance Fee is non refundable upon the cancellation of an offer of acceptance. The first round of acceptances close on Friday, 13 June 2025.

    Important Dates:

    • Orientation Day for new students has been set down for Friday, 5 December 2025. This provides the students with an opportunity to meet the teachers and other students and to familiarise themselves with the layout of the College.

    Please contact the College Registrar, Mrs Jasmine Andrews, at the College on (02) 6626 2606 for any enquiries.

    Interview Process

    All students are interviewed by either the Principal, a member of the Leadership Team, or a Leader of Learning. Students may bring a sample of school work or an example of another interest to the interview if they wish.

    Originals of documentation supporting the Application for Enrolment must be brought to the interview.

    Copies of all enrolment documentation must be received by the College PRIOR to your interview. The documents required are:

    • Completed Application for Enrolment Form.
    • Application Fee $50.
    • A copy of your child's Birth Certificate.
    • A copy of your child's Baptismal Certificate (if your child is baptised).
    • Confidential Student Information Form (to be handed to your child's current school for completion. The school will forward the form directly to the College).
    • A copy of your child's recent school report.
    • A copy of your child's Year 5 NAPLAN Test (if applying for Years 7 or 8). Year 7 or 9 NAPLAN Test (if applying for other years).
    • A copy of your child's immunisation records.
    • Passport size photograph (on the Enrolment Form).

    Applications are invited for Years 7 to 11, 2024 and 2025.

    Please forward to:
    The College Registrar
    PO Box 6
    Lismore NSW 2480

    Phone: 6626 2606