Week 6 Term 1 2025
Message from the Principal
Message from the Assistant Principal - Learning and Teaching
Message from the Assistant Principal -Mission
Pastoral Care News
Year Coordinator News
Inside the Classroom
Sports at Woodlawn
From the Library Learning Hub
School Community Forum
Uniform Shop
Administration Announcements
Message from the Principal

Over the past 6 weeks, I have been inspired on a number of fronts by the energy that our community pours into everything on offer. Upon reflection we have much to celebrate and to be grateful for. We have also weathered the forces of mother nature with many families still feeling the impacts and we ask you to reach out if you need assistance. This week's newsletter will be a visual feast of some highlights of Term 1 and also includes some banners promoting upcoming events that you and your students can be involved in. Please see our newsletter as chronicles of opportunity.
Our Year 12 leaders were unrelenting in their enthusiasm for the Swimming Carnival. We were so proud of their passion and drive that culminated in everyone being wrapped in a sense of House Spirit. These visuals say it all.

Our School Community Parent Forum and charity coffee van workers worked tirelessly to provide dinner, drinks and a good dose of humour. Volunteering and immersing yourself in this group is something that should be a possibility for all. Our grounds staff, teachers, inclusion team members and maintenance and administration teams ensured a high standard of excellence. To Mr Simon Andrews and Jaya Wisemantel, the evening was the pinnacle of their organisation and a quest to make this event come alive. Gratitude abounds.
Our classrooms are humming as I walk around the corridors. I often find myself immersed in a maths lesson, discussing poetry or attempting to engage in Italian. We have an open-door policy here at the College that keeps up with our learning focus and each day, members of the leadership team visit classes and note the high level of engagement and focus. This is definitely the best part of my day.
Our imperative to assist Project Compassion begins this week with our annual Hearts of Hope Campaign. This is an opportunity to reflect on our mission to ensure the dignity of others and show compassion and care to those in need. This annual campaign is supported by our Home Groups with hearts purchased daily or weekly. This lent give the gift of hope and support your students' sponsorship of this project. The banner below is a representation of the 2024 campaign.

Grandparents Day is an annual event that our families love to be part of. Unfortunately, this was postponed a number of times in 2024 and we are looking forward to sharing a prayer Liturgy followed by trivia games and morning tea. Sign up via the Compass notification. This banner shows photos from our 2023 Grandparents Day - a representation of our day being grateful for these special people in our lives.

ANZAC Day falls in the middle of the school holidays once again. This has never thwarted our community's response to remembering the fallen in war. Students who march wear our winter uniform with pride and march in a number of centres across the Northern Rivers. There is a Compass event being prepared in Week 8 for students to register their commitment to marching. Representation in the community is also a time to showcase with pride our revenant and respectful Woodlawners. This banner was prepared as a reflection of our ongoing support.

- Our 2025 Open Night will be held on Wednesday, 2 April, with tours at 5 pm and 7 pm. If you or anyone you know has a child looking to start Year 7 in 2026, this is a great opportunity to come along and meet our staff, students and tour the facilities we are all so fortunate to experience here at Woodlawn. Please visit our College website to make a booking.
Lent is a season for reflection. Three simple reminders this Lent.

Kind regards,
Annette Reen
Message from the Assistant Principal - Learning and Teaching

As we reach the end of Week 6, I would like to commend our students for their remarkable resilience and adaptability in returning to the classroom routine. Despite the disruptions caused by recent events, our school community has demonstrated tremendous strength and determination. It has been heartening to see our students reestablish their daily routines and engage enthusiastically with their studies. Their ability to refocus and maintain a positive attitude during challenging circumstances is truly admirable. Teachers have reported high levels of participation and cooperation across all year levels as we work together to resume our regular academic program.
Assessment and Schedule Changes
As previously communicated, we have made several adjustments to accommodate the recent disruptions:
- Years 7-11 Assessment Tasks: All assessments originally scheduled for Week 6 have been postponed to Week 7 or later. Teachers have communicated new dates directly to classes, and these changes are reflected in the College Compass calendars.
- Year 7 and 9 NAPLAN: NESA have now confirmed new dates for NAPLAN. The rescheduled testing for our College will take place Monday, 17 and Tuesday, 18 March.
- Year 12 Half-Yearly Examinations: These have been rescheduled to begin on Wednesday, March 19 (Week 7) and will conclude at the end of Week 8. A revised examination timetable has been distributed, maintaining most exams in the same sequence with minor adjustments.
- Year 12 Parent-Teacher Interviews: These have been rescheduled to Monday, March 17. The online booking system through Compass reopened Thursday morning, requiring new bookings. Bookings will close on Sunday, 16 March at 4:30pm.
Responsibility for Learning (RFL) Framework
We are pleased to announce that the first round of the Responsibility for Learning (RFL) framework reports will be released via the Compass portal in Week 8. We strongly encourage parents to engage in discussions with their children about goal setting and how they interact with learning in the classroom. These conversations are invaluable in helping students reflect on their academic progress and develop greater ownership of their educational journey.
Support for Affected Families
If your family has been impacted by recent events and you are concerned about your child's ability to complete assessment tasks as expected, please contact their class teacher, Year Coordinator, or Mrs Ryall to request special consideration. Students have received this information via email as well.
We recognise that some families may still be dealing with challenges, and we are committed to providing support during this time. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you need assistance.
Looking Forward
We are excited about finishing the term in full operation and are grateful for everyone's patience and understanding during this period of adjustment. The strength of our community continues to shine through, and we are confident that together, we will navigate any challenges that lie ahead.
Matt Bailey
Assistant Principal - Learning and Teaching
Message from the Assistant Principal -Mission

Year 7 Meet and Greet
On February 18 we held our annual Year 7 Meet and Greet event - an opportunity for parents and carers of the newest members of our community to gather together and meet staff and fellow students. We began with a liturgy in the Chapel, followed by a BBQ on the Front Drive and then families moved to the Colin Centre to meet classroom teachers. This was a lovely chance to welcome our new families.

Opening School Mass
We held our Opening School Mass during Week 3 at the Cathedral. We were fortunate to have both Bishop Greg and Father Phillip leading our ceremony.
This was our first chance to worship together as a community and acknowledge our Year 12 leaders. We are looking forward to their leadership and the fulfilment of the initiatives they have planned.

Ash Wednesday Liturgy
On Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent, we had three liturgies to acknowledge this significant day in the Church’s liturgical season. Lent is the season of waiting in the lead up to Easter - when Jesus was crucified so that we may have eternal life. Students were reminded of the importance, especially during this time, to live their lives in the way of Jesus - loving others as he loved us. This means to give to others and expect nothing in return. During Lent, this can be done by making a conscious effort to act purposefully towards another person to make a difference in their lives. This can be in our school, our families, in our local communities or within the global community. Caritas is our fundraising charity for this term and students will be getting behind our Hearts of Hope campaign to raise funds for those in need. The theme for Caritas this year is “Unite Against Poverty”, supporting vulnerable communities globally, empowering them to overcome poverty through sustainable development programs

Digital Technology User Agreement
On Tuesday, April 1 our students will be completing their Digital Technology User Agreement. This Agreement is designed to ensure that parents and students understand the conditions that apply to using Digital Technology at Woodlawn, which is part of the Diocese of Lismore Catholic Schools (DLCS). We want our students to be responsible, safe and ethical digital citizens who are proficient in their use of Digital Technologies.
Students will complete this agreement during class time. Parents will also receive a link in Compass to complete a component of this Agreement. This will be via an Insight. Below is a link with an explanation of how to find and complete Insights in Compass. This is important as Insights will now be regularly used to gather information.
Students who have not completed the User Agreement by the commencement of Term 2 will be unable to access technology during lessons.
We look forward to our normal routines over the remaining weeks of the term - students actively engaging in curriculum and events that allow them to feel part of our community.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Thank you
Fiona Fennamore
Assistant Principal Mission
Pastoral Care News

What a truly remarkable start to the school year we’ve had! The Woodlawn Way has been walked and progressed by our wonderful young people. In the past six weeks, we’ve seen the highest of highs: welcoming our new students, an inspiring Opening College Mass, and arguably the best swimming carnival many have seen in the modern era! As the script would have it, we’ve also experienced significant challenges in the last fortnight through the anticipation, experience and aftermath of Tropical Cyclone Alfred.
It has been such a great joy to have welcomed students back to school on Thursday this week. There is no greater joy than seeing the buses arrive and the students walk through the doors. It has been truly heart-warming to see the resilience and support of our students on display upon their return.
Wellbeing Supports
I want to remind you of our wellbeing support offerings within the College. Many students have periods in their life when they require some support dealing with the complexities of life. This is a very normal facet of adolescent (and, indeed, adult) life. If you have any questions or concerns about your child/ren you can consider the following supports:
- Home Group Teacher: the regular connection within the Home Group is a great strength of our Pastoral Care at Woodlawn. All parents should feel welcome to email Home Group teachers to inform or enquire about anything related to your child/ren.
- Class Teacher: for any issues or questions related to subjects or learning, the class teacher is always the best source of information.
- Year Coordinator: As critical members of the Pastoral Care Team, our Year Coordinators specialise in accompanying students and families through their time at the College. Year Coordinators are both a source of information and support for our young people.
- Counsellors: our counselling team are all highly experienced and well-regarded mental health professionals. Students are always able to self-refer via a Google Form. Families can seek this support through the relevant Year Coordinator.
- Leader of Pastoral Care: I am always happy to work with families to support and accompany students through the journey of High School.
In light of recent events, parents are reminded that there are resources available to support families when dealing with heightened emotions and concerns, particularly after the recent weather event.
Refer to this document for some helpful information when Supporting Young People After Natural Disasters. Headspace have also provided this document to assist in developing an understanding of the experience and needs of our young people in these times.
We have commenced the auditing of attendance for the 2025 academic year. Families will have begun receiving letters from the College when their child/ren’s attendance falls below 90%. Please note that these letters are an invitation of support from our Pastoral Care Team and that we highly value working in partnership to enhance the outcomes of students by having them attend school as much as possible.
It is important to note also that the recent closures of the College will not negatively impact attendance.
If there is anything that I can do to assist you or your family in any way, please do not hesitate to be in contact with me.
God bless you and your families,
Nick Jones
Leader of Pastoral Care
Year Coordinator News

Year 9
I am incredibly proud of how Year 9 has started the 2025 school year. It’s been fantastic to hear from teachers about the high level of engagement in elective classes, with students showing great initiative and dedication to their subjects. Our Year 9 students also demonstrated amazing spirit and enthusiasm at the recent College Twilight Swimming Carnival, embodying the Woodlawn Spirit and sense of inclusivity amongst fellow peers. I commend all Year 9 students for their maturity and commitment during the recent PPEP talk, where they displayed great understanding, respect and openness to the information presented.
With the recent weather event catching many of us by surprise, my thoughts and prayers are with the families and communities still in recovery. I hope they find strength and resilience during these challenging times, and that they emerge stronger and more hopeful.
As we approach the upcoming RFL event and NAPLAN next week, it’s clear that Year 9 students are engaging in meaningful learning experiences that will serve them well throughout the rest of the year.
I would like to extend my best wishes and prayers to all Year 9 students and their families. Please feel free to reach out to me for support or clarification. I’m here to help with open and authentic communication.
Take care.
Warm regards,
Ms Justine Kennedy
Year 9 Coordinator
Inside the Classroom
Religious Education
Year 7-10 Assessment in Religious Education
All students have now received their Catholic Studies assessment for Term 1, 2025. This term, there is a strong emphasis on developing cohesive writing skills, and teachers will be working closely with students across all classes to support this growth. Students are encouraged to take the time to draft their responses and seek feedback from their teachers to refine their work. In particular, Year 10 Catholic Studies classes are working on enhancing essay writing skills and learning to conduct an exegesis of specific Gospel passages to strengthen the use of evidence in essays. Year 10 Three Steps of an Exegesis
Year 9 & 10 Ministry Classes
Year 9 and 10 Ministry classes for 2025 have commenced successfully, with students developing a deeper understanding of how to facilitate small group activities, ministry initiatives, and mission events. While following the same programmed lessons as other Catholic Studies classes, these students are also cultivating the skills and knowledge necessary to become disciples of God—caring for our community, demonstrating compassion, and sharing the Good News. In the coming weeks, two Year 10 Ministry students will assist in facilitating the Year 7 Faith Formation Retreat, Transitus, which will take place at Tyalgum.

Christian Meditation
Christian meditation is an important Diocesan practice in our Catholic schools. In 2025, most Catholic Studies classes (Years 7-10) have resumed this spiritual discipline, engaging in meditation once every two weeks under the guidance of their teacher. During Christian meditation, students sit upright in stillness, close their eyes, and silently recite a sacred prayer-phrase or mantra: Maranatha. This Aramaic word, meaning “Come, Lord,” is spoken in four distinct syllables—MA-RA-NAH-THA—helping to quiet the mind and minimise distractions. The practice of stillness reflects a deep desire to be united in prayer with Jesus, as expressed in Psalm 46:10: “Be still and know that I am God.”

Studies of Religion II Excursion
On April 1, our Year 11 and Year 12 SOR II students will be privileged to visit the Brisbane Synagogue. We are especially fortunate to receive a guided tour from Rabbi Zalman Kastel of Together For Humanity, followed by a Q&A session with Rabbi Zalman. Students will also have the opportunity to engage with a Living Library, further enriching their understanding and appreciation of Judaism. This experience will provide valuable insights into the lived expression of Jewish tradition, deepening our students’ knowledge and fostering interfaith understanding.

2025 Young Voices Awards
The 2025 Young Voices Awards are now open, with this year’s theme, Voices of Hope, reflecting the 2025 Jubilee Year theme, Pilgrims of Hope. The competition invites entries from both secondary and senior primary school students across three divisions: Junior (Years 5–6), Intermediate (Years 7–9), and Senior (Years 10–12). Participants MAY submit entries in one of three categories—articles, photography, or digital media (video or podcast)—with prizes awarded in each category. For more details, please follow this
Link. Ms Grace McGirr - Leader of Learning ( RE ) is available to assist with planning.
Interested students are encouraged to view this interview with Jen McVeity from Seven Steps on crafting an engaging entry.
Ms Grace McGirr - Leader of Learning ( RE ) is available to discuss ideas for this competition or any questions related to Religious Education (Curriculum). She may be contacted by email: grace.mcgirr@lism.catholic.edu.au
It has been wonderful to see the engagement across all classes studying the Humanities, from Year 7 students studying Geography and Modern Languages to Year 11 students beginning their senior study across a range of HSIE subjects and Year 12 students preparing for their Half-Yearly Examinations.
As the term progresses there are a number of exciting Humanities events that aim to bring the subjects to life for students and families.
Night of the Notables
Year 8 parents and families are invited to walk the halls of history when Year 8 students present their first big assessment task item on Thursday, 20 March, from 5 pm. Year 8 students will be presenting their work in the Hall to other students during the school day and then staying after school to compete in a range of activities. Visitors are able to vote for best displays, costumes and historical knowledge. We look forward to the opportunity to meet with families early in the year.
Mock Trial
Year 11 and 12 Legal Studies students are excited to participate in the Southern Cross University Mock Trial at the start of Term 2. Students will be acting as the prosecution in a simulated court case with a local Magistrate presiding over the case. The students have been given all the information about the case and are working hard to prepare. The Mock Trial is on May 1 at the Southern Cross University campus in Lismore. Everyone is invited to come and watch from 5 pm - 7 pm.
Drama and Dance HSC Excursion to Sydney: A Journey of Creativity and Inspiration
During Week 2 our Drama and Dance students had the exciting opportunity to attend a special excursion to Sydney, where they immersed themselves in a variety of inspiring workshops, attended professional drama productions, and experienced creative showcases. It was a valuable trip that not only enhanced their practical skills but also gave them a deeper insight into the world of performing arts, setting the stage for their HSC examinations.
Throughout the trip, students had time to reflect on what they had learned and how it would impact their HSC preparations. The excursion not only provided a wealth of new knowledge but also reinforced the importance of creativity, collaboration, and dedication in the performing arts. Many students expressed how inspired they felt after the experience, eager to bring new energy and ideas into their own performances.
The Sydney excursion was an invaluable experience for our Drama and Dance students, offering them a chance to see the practical world of theatre and dance up close, learn from industry experts, and gain deeper insight into the complexities of performance. As they continue to prepare for their HSC exams, the memories and lessons from this trip will undoubtedly shape their artistic journeys in the years to come.
We look forward to seeing how the students apply everything they’ve learned as they bring their own creative visions to life in their upcoming performances!

Sports at Woodlawn

CCC Berg/ Downie Cricket
In Week 4, on 25 and 26 February, Woodlawn sent 24 students to the Central Coast Regional Sporting Complex to compete in the CCC Berg/Downie cricket finals.
The Berg Shield team finished 3rd in the competition, and the Downie Trophy team finished fourth. A more in-depth report is to come in the following newsletter.
Lismore Diocesan Rugby League Trials
In Week 4, February 25, Woodlawn hosted the Lismore Diocesan Rugby League trials, where various students from the Diocese competed in the hope of being selected as Diocesan representatives. These representatives then progress to attend the Northern Country Rugby League Selection, which is to be held in South West Rocks on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 1st & 2nd of April 2025. The divisions include an Open and U/15 Boys team, and an Open and U/16 Girls team. All nominees displayed resilience in the face of the gruelling heat, with some outshining the others. We wish to congratulate the following qualifiers:

U16 Girls - Macy Field

U15 Boys -Xavier Eades

U15 Boys - Bowie Blakeney

Opens Girls - Madison Coppola

Opens Boys - Elliott Farrell

Opens Boys - Luke Barnett

Opens Boys - Jimmy McCombie

Opens Boys - Noah Vakararawa

Lismore Diocesan Soccer Trials
In Week 4, February 25, 7 Woodlawn students travelled to Coffs Harbour to compete in the Lismore Diocesan Soccer Trials in the hope of being selected as a Diocesan Representative. These representatives then progress to attend the CCC Football Selections, which are to be held at Valentine Park in Glenwood on May 27 & 28.
The divisions included an Open Girls and Open Boys team. We commend all students who attended, but we particularly congratulate our singular qualifier, Darcy Hampson, in the Open Boys division.

CCC Triathlon
In Week 4, February 26, Malekai Kubils represented Woodlawn in the NSW all Schools Triathlon Championships in Penrith. Malekai competed in the Individual Intermediate division, which consisted of a challenging 500m Swim, 15km Cycle, and 4km Run. Malekai did exceptionally well, finishing 32nd of the 92 male participants, and 8th out of the 19 CCC competitors. Congratulations Malekai on your outstanding efforts!
Lismore Diocesan Touch Football Trials
From the Coach
A huge congratulations to the 11 Woodlawn students who recently trialed for the Lismore Diocesan Touch Football Teams in Coffs Harbour — an incredible achievement, given that over 180 students initially expressed interest, with only 120 selected to trial. Despite challenging weather conditions, all students performed exceptionally well in heavy rain, showcasing their skill and determination. The divisions include a U15s/Open Boys Team, and a U15s/Open Girls team. A special congratulations to those who have progressed to the next level of NSWCCC Touch Football Selection Trials at Tuggerah, Central Coast, on Tuesday, 29 and Wednesda,y 30 April:
U15 Boys:
- Bowie Blakeney (link)
- Bryce Byrne (wing)
- Fynn Turner (shadow)
U15 Girls:
- Willow Thompson (link)
- Mali Cooper (link)
Open Boys:
- Jesse Cooper (link)
Open Girls:
- Madison Coppola (middle)
- Holly Roberts (shadow)
Well done to all participants—your efforts and commitment are commendable!

Simon Andrews
Leader of Sport
From the Library Learning Hub
Welcome to the Library – A Place for Learning, Connection, and Community!

School Community Forum

The next St John's College Woodlawn School Community Forum (SJCWSCF) meeting will be held Monday 17 March at 5:30 pm in the College Library - all are welcome. For future reference our meetings are Week 2 and Week 7 of each term. Please note our AGM that was scheduled for this date will now be postponed to Term 2, with a date to be confirmed. We are also trying to build our School Family Community by trying to have a casual Parent / Carer Catch-Up Week 6 of each term, this year, our first was to be held yesterday (Thursday 13/3) however, after last weekend and the disruptions of the Ex-cyclone Alfred we felt it best to postpone till next term. Keep an eye out for more information. Don't forget to follow, like or message us through our Facebook Page SJCWSCF Facebook Page or email at sjcwscpf@gmail.com We are always keen to welcome new and existing families.
Kara Parrish
Chairperson, St John's College Woodlawn School Community Forum
Uniform Shop
The Woodlawn Uniform Shop is proudly managed by P&C Uniforms. To ensure you have an easy and pleasant experience, we encourage you to order online ahead of time for easy click-and-collect in store.
Uniform Shop Opening Hours (School Term):
Time: Monday 8.00am - 9.30am & Wednesday 11.00am - 2.00pm
Where: Colin Centre
Order Online: www.sjcwuniformshop.com.au
Book a fitting: www.sjcwuniformshop.com.au/bts-appointments
Second Hand Uniform Shop Opening Hours (School Term):
Time: 11.00am - 2.00pm
When: Every Wednesday
Where: Colin Centre
Leanne Copeland
Uniform Shop Convenor
0407 739 237

Administration Announcements
Flexischools orders have a cut-off time of 9.00am.

The cash free way to pay! - REGISTER NOW
Paying for lunches is now safer and hassle free. With cashless cards there's no need for students to bring cash to school.
The College has Flexischools to allow students to pay at the Canteen using their existing student ID card. Paying for lunches and items at recess or lunch is now safer and hassle free. With cashless cards there's no need for students to bring cash to school. Parents can set daily spending limits and view transactions online. Parents can also top-up funds at any time.
The Canteen has introduced a Fast-Track line for students who have pre-ordered to collect their lunches, making it much easier and quicker for students.
We encourage all students to register. This will allow for those days when your student may have forgotten their homemade lunches.
Please follow the link below to register now: