Week 8 Term 4 2024
Message from the Principal
Message from the Assistant Principal - Mission
Message from the Finance Manager
Message from the Learning and Teaching Team
Message from the Sports Department
Message from the Creative Arts Department
Message from the Humanities Department
Canteen News
Uniform Shop
Message from the Principal
Beginning the Church's liturgical year, Advent (from, "ad-venire" in Latin or "to come to") is the season encompassing the four Sundays (and weekdays) leading up to the celebration of Christmas. The Advent season is a time of preparation that directs our hearts and minds to Christ’s second coming at the end of time and to the anniversary of Our Lord’s birth on Christmas. In the words of Pope Francis "Advent invites us to a commitment to vigilance, looking beyond ourselves, expanding our mind and heart in order to open ourselves up to the needs of people, of brothers and sisters, and to the desire for a new world." We look forward to celebrating Advent together as a community in Week 10.

There was great excitement around the campus today as we welcomed our Graduating Class of 2030. I have included a few photos of their experience in the art room where all students created name tags to hang on the spiritual tree which will be planted as a symbol of their joining our community. Thanks to our House Leaders, Ministry Students and SRC Executive for making everyone feel so welcome.
My New Gallery

The College was ALIVE last night with the engagement of families, students and staff. From 5pm we attended the opening of the ‘Archies’ and the Year 9 Pop Art Exhibitions. The calibre of the creativity on display and the way families supported this inaugural event were exceptional. The Art Team’s vision for this event came to life and they were well supported by Liam who has curated his last show in this space.

We also welcomed our canteen volunteers for a Thank You gathering acknowledging the importance of their contributions, and we thanked Sonya and Val (in her absence) for their service.

The College Hall was also transformed into a living museum that showcased our Year 8 Historians. Families joined us as we walked through time via the many Notables who were on display. Congratulations to the History team for preparing our students. Families were able to move from one exhibition to another and see the breadth of learning that we offer. Despite the heat our maintenance team found themselves on the go helping facilitate these events and we acknowledge their commitment to everything that happened behind the scenes.

Yesterday was also a much celebrated moment in Victoria with our Boys Marist Cricketers winning the Australian Marist Carnival. Our girls also received accolades for their sportsmanship and participation. Congratulations to the coaches, Luke and Kallie, and our Managers Craig and Seamus for supporting this week-long event and for the extensive preparation that went into ensuring our teams were so competitive.
Special acknowledgement goes to:
- Oliver Walker: Overall Player of the Tournament, Highest Run Scorer, and Captain of the Marist All-Rounders.
- Charlie Collins: Male Bowler of the Tournament and selected for the Marist XI.
- Ashlee Rugendyke: Selected for the Girls Marist Team.
- Luke Collings: Named Coach of the Tournament.
- Lachlan Barnes: Player of the Finals.
- Dominic Crotty: Champagnat Spirit of Marist Award - Boys.
- Amelie McPhee: Champagnat Spirit of Marist Award - Girls.

Looking Forward:
- Monday: December 16
Alternative Day Program as communicated via Compass.
- Tuesday: December 17
This will be a great day for celebrating our students and looking with Hope to Christmas with the celebration of the Eucharist. There will be no formal classes on this day. The day begins with an extended Home Group followed by our Speech and Prize Giving Ceremony. Parents of those students receiving awards will receive invitations next week. We thank the teams who are working tirelessly to make these special events come to fruition. (Maintenance, Mission, Admin and Catering).
- Wednesday: This will be a day of supervision only for students attending the College. Students will be supervised in the Learning Centre and will work independently. The option of an afternoon swim will also be negotiated on the day. This day will be an opportunity for parents to come and meet teachers during the day. Parents may email teachers if they would like to take up this opportunity. Leaders of Learning and our senior teachers will have an early start examining the HSC results and meeting the Year 12 (2024) for morning tea. The analysis of results will also take place on this day.
February 4th, 2025
First day of school for Years 7 and 12
February 5th, 2025
First day of school for Years 8-11
There will be more detailed information sent via Compass. We will have a calendar of key dates in 2025 for you next week.
As this is the last extensive newsletter of the term I would like to express my appreciation for the support that families have shown to the College over 2024. We are truly proud of our students who have challenged themselves and developed into amazing Woodlawners with big futures. Stay safe and take some time to reflect on what has been a year of achieving possibilities.
Next week we will thank staff who are leaving our community and celebrate the successes of our graduating class of 2024.
I will leave the final word to our SRC.
Annette Reen
Principal 2024
Message from the Assistant Principal - Mission

2025 Jubilee Year - Year of Hope
Calling all photographers - an exciting opportunity
As part of the Jubilee Year, the Vatican is promoting an international photography contest, titled: ‘Sport in Motion’. It is for young photographers, professional or amateur, under the age of 25.
There are five categories: sport and hope, sport and family, sport and disability, sport and politics, and sport and ecology.
The winners will be awarded a meeting with the Holy Father, a visit to the Vatican Museums, a workshop in the Osservatore Romano newspaper and their photo will be published internationally.
Do you know a young person who may be interested in entering this competition?
The deadline to enter is 30 April 2025. Further information can be found in the link above.

Expert advice about parenting in the digital age
ReachOut Parents and Instagram have launched Likes and Limits, a brand new expert-led series all about parenting in the digital age.
The four-part video series hosted by Pia Miranda, explores key challenges parents face while navigating life online with their teens. Featuring a diverse group of expert voices – including parents, teens and mental health professionals – the series touches on screen time, body image and digital safety.
The full series is out now on the ReachOut Parents Instagram! Additional resources and support for parents and carers can be found at ReachOut.com/parents.

After a period of transition following the introduction of our new College uniform, next year, students in Years 7 - 11 are to wear the new white school shirt. Our Year 12 students are welcome to continue wearing their current shirt, as long as it remains in good condition and fits well. We appreciate your support as we move towards a unified and smart school appearance.
Mobile phones
We appreciate your partnership in creating a focused learning and social environment for our students by supporting our process on mobile phones. Phones are to be kept in student lockers throughout the academic day. Currently, parents are required to come to the school to collect a phone after it has been confiscated three times. From the beginning of Term 1 2025, each time a mobile phone is confiscated from a student, we will ask parents to come to the school to collect it. We understand that staying in touch with your child during the school day is crucial. If you need to make contact, please contact our Student Services Office (SSO), who will be happy to relay messages to your child.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me on 6626 2627 or fiona.fennamore@lism.catholic.edu.au.
Fiona Fennamore
Assistant Principal - Mission
Message from the Finance Manager
St John’s College, Woodlawn Building Fund Donations – Final Payments
For many years, St John’s College, Woodlawn has operated a Building Fund. This fund is a registered tax-deductible gift recipient, allowing donors to claim 100% of their contributions as tax deductions.
However, due to recent policy changes within the Diocese, St John’s College will no longer be able to maintain this tax-deductible fund. As a result, the Building Fund account will cease operations after Monday, 16th December 2024. No further donations will be accepted, and the account will be closed after this date.
Contributions to the Building Fund have always been voluntary. On behalf of the entire St John’s College community—teachers, staff, and students—we extend our heartfelt gratitude to all families who have generously supported the College over the years.
These donations have significantly contributed to upgrading our facilities, creating invaluable opportunities for our past, current, and future students. These achievements would not have been possible without the steadfast support of the Woodlawn community.
We kindly ask all donors to ensure that any recurring payments or arrangements for donations to the Building Fund are cancelled prior to the closure date, as tax-deductible receipts will not be issued for contributions received after this time.
Final Donation Date: Monday, 16th December 2024
Once again, we thank the Woodlawn community for your unwavering support, both in the past and in the years to come.
Nikki Bell
College Finance Manager
Message from the Learning and Teaching Team
As we approach the conclusion of the 2024 academic year, our College continues to provide dynamic and engaging learning experiences for our students. Despite recently completing our Year 7-10 Examination blocks, the College remains vibrant and full of opportunities. Our students have been actively participating in a diverse range of curriculum-focused activities that extend beyond traditional classroom boundaries, demonstrating creativity, commitment, and dedication to their own learning journey.
Here are some of the events that have been happening over the last two weeks;
- Year 9 Pop Art Exhibition
- Year 10 Archibald Exhibition
- Year 8 Night of the Notables
- Year 10 Lights Up Music Performances
- HSC Dance Writing Workshop
- Year 9 Agriculture visit to the Casino Food Co-op
- Year 10 Child Studies visit to Me & My House Childcare Centre
- Year 9 Music visit to the Tom Thum Performance and Workshop
- Year 11 Catholic Faith in Action refurbishment of Mary’s Walk and the Return & Earn Trip
- HSC VET Entertainment Work Experience
Before the academic year ends, we still have 12 more HSC Assessments to come.
Week 9 also has our Year 10 students engaged in the second week of their Work Experience program. This week allows students to gain invaluable insights into professional environments and potential career pathways. This hands-on learning opportunity bridges classroom theory and real-world practice, helping students make more informed decisions about their future academic and career trajectories. We sincerely thank Mr Bernie Maginnity for coordinating the program and our dedicated teachers and staff who will support students by visiting their workplaces and witnessing their growth.
We are also looking forward to the 2024 HSC results, which will be released from NESA on the morning of 18 December. Once they are collated, we will be able to share some preliminary results later that week. Our Year 12 Students are invited to drop in for Morning Tea on the 18th to share their results and future plans with us. A more formal invite will follow early next week.
As we close out the 2024 academic year, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude to our students, families, and the College community. The past year has been a whirlwind of accomplishments, innovation, and collective growth. We are truly grateful for the community that our families contribute to creating. It is through these opportunities that our students can thrive and flourish, and we appreciate the support that is shown for us to continue offering these events and activities. As we prepare for the next year, we carry forward the learning, opportunities, and connections that have occurred over the year and aim to build on these in 2025.
Teachers are currently finalising their Year 7 - 10 Semester Two Reports. These will be emailed to families before the end of the term. Please take the time to read and review these results as a family. Celebrate the hard work that has gone into many of these results, but also be prepared to recognise those areas that may need some improvement when we return next year. Remember that your teachers are always available to support, encourage, and work with you to reach your full potential.
May the upcoming holiday season bring you joy, relaxation, and precious time with your loved ones. We wish you a very Merry Christmas and a restful, rejuvenating break. We look forward to welcoming everyone back in 2025 with renewed energy and enthusiasm.
Sally Ryall
Leader of Curriculum
Message from the Sports Department

2024 Diocesan Junior Water Polo at Alstonville - November 21
The Junior Girls' Competition at the 2024 Dio Water Polo tournament in Alstonville was a day of stellar performances.
Woodlawn dominated the pool stage with commanding victories, defeating St Joseph’s 9-0, Mount St Patrick’s College 6-0, and St Mary’s Catholic College 6-0. Their exceptional teamwork and skill were on full display throughout these matches.
In the semifinals, however, Woodlawn faced a determined St John Paul College team. Despite their best efforts, Woodlawn fell short, losing 2-0 in a tightly contested game that ended their tournament run.
The day highlighted the strength and talent of the junior players, with Hannah Mason, Yasmin Farrelly-Wight, and Emily Glendinning shining brightly as standout contributors to their team’s success.
The Junior Boys' Competition at the 2024 Dio Water Polo tournament in Alstonville was a dominant display for Woodlawn.
Our boys opened their campaign with a commanding 11-0 victory over Mount St Patrick’s College, followed by an impressive 5-0 win against Xavier Catholic College, showcasing both offensive and defensive prowess.
In the semifinals, Woodlawn faced a tough challenge against Mackillop Catholic College but managed to secure a 3-2 victory, earning their spot in the final.
The championship match saw Woodlawn at their best, defeating St John Paul College with a decisive 5-0 win to claim the title.
With Will Bullpitt, John Jacobs, Oliver Pennisi, and Malekai Kubils leading the way, Woodlawn’s performance highlighted teamwork, strategy, and skill, making them the well-deserved 2024 Dio Junior Boys Champions.
Downie Cricket
Well done to our First XI Cricketers on advancing to the semi-finals of the state-wide Downie Trophy with a solid win over St Paul’s Catholic College, Kempsey last week.
Woodlawn set a strong total of 251, with contributions from Blake Perkins (40), Cooper Williams (47), Bailey Thomson (42), Lachlan Barnes (30), and Oliver Crotty (25). The bowlers then performed effectively, holding Kempsey to 95. Oliver Walker (2/15), Oliver Crotty (2/16), and Sonny Butler (2/15) led the attack.
A commendable effort by Mr Collings, Craig and the team.
NSWCCC Cricket
Last week, Cooper Williams was on the Central Coast representing the U15 NSWCCC Cricket Team. After an impressive performance, he has been selected for the NSW All Schools team, which will compete at the National Titles in Adelaide next year.
Congratulations, Cooper!
Marist Cricket
Yesterday marked a proud moment for the College as our Boys Marist Cricketers claimed victory at the Australian Marist Carnival. Meanwhile, our girls were recognised for their outstanding sportsmanship and participation throughout the competition.
A big thank you to our coaches, Luke and Kallie, and managers, Craig and Seamus, for their dedication to preparing and supporting our teams during this week-long event.
Special mention goes to:
- Oliver Walker: Overall Player of the Tournament, highest run scorer, and captain of the Marist All-Rounders.
- Charlie Collins: Male Bowler of the Tournament and selected for the Marist XI.
- Ashlee Rugendyke: Selected for the Girls Marist Team.
- Luke Collings: Named Coach of the Tournament.
- Lachlan Barnes: Player of the Finals.
- Dominic Crotty: Champagnat Spirit of Marist Award - Boys.
- Amelie McPhee: Champagnat Spirit of Marist Award - Girls.
Congratulations to everyone involved on this fantastic achievement!
We would also like to acknowledge and thank O'Brien Electrical and Plumbing Lismore, Tim Miller Real Estate, Physio Plus, the Woodlawn Ex-Students Association and The Happy Snack Company for generously supporting our first-ever Marist Girls Cricket Team.

Simon Andrews
Sports Coordinator
Message from the Creative Arts Department

Celebrating Creativity at the Inaugural Woodlawn Art Exhibition
As the year draws to a close, Woodlawn College hosted its inaugural Woodlawn Archibald Exhibition and Year 9 Pop Art Showcase, celebrating the creativity and perseverance of our Visual Arts students. This special evening brought together families, friends, and staff to admire the incredible work of our young artists and to reflect on the journey that brought their masterpieces to life.
A Celebration of Student Achievement
The evening showcased the hard work of our Year 10 students, who created stunning portrait paintings for the inaugural Woodlawn Archibald. Their work, at varying stages of completion, reflected not just artistic skill but also the realities of busy student lives—balancing academics, sports, injuries, family commitments, and life-changing experiences such as cultural exchanges to Spain and Germany and the Cambodia immersion program.
For our students, this project offered a chance to slow down, focus, and engage deeply. Each painting represented a personal journey, from falling in love with their work, doubting it, and ultimately resolving to persevere. Through this process, students connected with their sitters, using brushstrokes and colour to bring their personalities to life.
Alongside these portraits, the Year 9 students added vibrancy with their Pop Art bodies of work, including paintings, sculptures, and digital collages. This showcase not only celebrated their achievements but also gave them a glimpse into the challenges and rewards of Year 10’s Archibald project, inspiring them for the future.
A Community Effort
The success of the evening would not have been possible without the support of our Woodlawn community. Special thanks go to:
- Gary Reen, DLCSL, Assistant Director for Mission, for his time, enthusiasm, and thoughtful contribution to the awards ceremony.
- Kirk and Max, our fantastic maintenance team, for their considered and artistic judgment of the Packers Prize.
- Luke Flynn, Year 9 Welfare Coordinator, for stepping in to judge the Year 9 Art Prizes.
- Principal Annette Reen, for her unwavering support in making this exhibition a reality during such a busy time of year.
- Justine Kennedy, for sharing the vision and working tirelessly to bring this project to life.
- Liam Weekes, for his dedication, professionalism, and problem-solving throughout the unit of work and across our many areas of specialisation.
Looking Ahead
As we reflect on the success of this event, we are reminded of the value of fostering creativity and connection in our students. The art room became a space where they could slow down, focus on a long-term project, and find joy in the process of creation.
To our families and friends, thank you for supporting these young artists. And to our students, thank you for inspiring us with your courage, creativity, and perseverance.
This exhibition marks the end of a busy and productive year at Woodlawn. We look forward to seeing what our students will achieve in 2025. Until then, we wish you all a joyful and restful holiday season.

Sharon Thompson
Leader of Learning - Creative Arts
Message from the Humanities Department
Year 8 History Night: A Journey Through Time
On Tuesday, 5 December, the Hall transformed into a vibrant tapestry of the ancient and medieval worlds for the Year 8 Night of the Notables. Students showcased their creativity and hard work in an event that spanned the afternoon and evening, delighting both peers and parents.
Each student selected a historical personality from ancient or medieval history to research in class. The result? A dazzling array of posters, displays, and costumes celebrating figures like Cleopatra, Alexander the Great, Leonardo da Vinci, Boudicca, Sun Tzu, and many more. During Period 5, other classes explored the displays, engaging with the historical insights shared by the Year 8 students.
The festivities continued into the evening when parents were welcomed to the Hall to admire the displays and ask questions. Mrs. Reen and Ms. Darke officially launched the evening, with a dramatic introduction by Harrison Elmsly and Ruby Allen, who quoted Shakespeare's famous line, “Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears!” Mrs. Reen delivered an inspiring address on the importance of history, emphasising the lessons it teaches and how it highlights our shared humanity.
Adding to the excitement, Mrs. Garcia organised engaging competitions, including Wrap the Mummy, jousting, and a unique equestrian dance challenge, bringing history to life in creative and fun ways.
The event was a resounding success, with teachers Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Parrish, and Ms. Darke expressing immense pride in their students' dedication and enthusiasm. The Night of the Notables not only celebrated historical achievements but also showcased the students' talents, teamwork, and passion for the past.

Going on a Family Holiday/Family Event?
Less than 10 days: Please notify the school that your student will be absent via the Compass Absence feature or email lisjc-studentservices@lism.catholic.edu.au
More than 10 days: Complete Form 01 Extended Leave Notification.
Does your student compete or attend Elite Sports Programs?
Also includes talented identification programs run by the NSW Department of Sport and Recreation.
Complete Form 05 Exemption from Attendance General.
Does your student attend Elite Arts Programs?
Accredited Elite Arts programs are defined as an opportunity for a student to participate in an event or program that is beyond the gifted and talented opportunities that the Diocese offers.
Complete Form 05 Exemption from Attendance General.
Late Arrival
Students arriving after 8.55 am, need to enter via the Student Service Office. Please submit late arrivals via the Compass Submit Attendance Note feature.
Early Departure
Please use the Compass Submit Attendance Note feature to notify of early departure. The Student Services Office cannot guarantee your student will be ready for an early departure without adequate notification.
Drop-Off and Pick-Up Zone
Reminder the drop-off and pick-up zone is located between the school and the ovals at the back of the school. Please do not collect your student from the front entrance due to safety reasons.
Instructions for entering details into Compass to submit absence/ late arrival/ early departure (alternatively see attached pdf for instructions)
- Log into your Compass account
- Click on the +Shortcuts symbol at the bottom of the page
- Select Submit Attendance Note
- Select Reason
- Add Details/Comments
- Select the date and time that your child will be collected or absent
- Select the End date as the date or time your child will be returning to school (or 3.15pm if they are not returning to school that day)
- Select Potentially Affected Sessions
- Hit Add Attendance Note at the bottom of the page.
Lost Property
Lost Property is located outside the Student Services Office. Please clearly label all items that are brought or worn to school.
Student Services Office
6626 2629
Canteen News
Flexischools orders have a cut-off time of 9.00am.

The cash free way to pay! - REGISTER NOW
Paying for lunches is now safer and hassle free. With cashless cards there's no need for students to bring cash to school.
The College has Flexischools to allow students to pay at the Canteen using their existing student ID card. Paying for lunches and items at recess or lunch is now safer and hassle free. With cashless cards there's no need for students to bring cash to school. Parents can set daily spending limits and view transactions online. Parents can also top-up funds at any time.
The Canteen has introduced a Fast-Track line for students who have pre-ordered to collect their lunches, making it much easier and quicker for students.
We encourage all students to register. This will allow for those days when your student may have forgotten their homemade lunches.
Please follow the link below to register now:
Uniform Shop
The Woodlawn Uniform Shop is proudly managed by P&C Uniforms. To ensure you have an easy and pleasant experience, we encourage you to order online ahead of time for easy click-and-collect in store.

Uniform Shop Opening Hours (School Term):
Time: Monday 8.00am - 9.30am & Wednesday 11.00am - 2.00pm
Where: Colin Centre
Order Online: www.sjcwuniformshop.com.au
Book a fitting: www.sjcwuniformshop.com.au/bts-appointments
Second Hand Uniform Shop Opening Hours (School Term):
Time: 11.00am - 2.00pm
When: Every Wednesday
Where: Colin Centre
Leanne Copeland
Uniform Shop Convenor
0407 739 237